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How did we get here

Heal and Re-exist: two words that every addict faces countless times in their life. The wait for a CURE - which we know does not exist, as substance use disorders are chronic diseases (but treatable) and the hope for a new life, a new existence, expressed in the word RE-EXIST. This website was created to provide people who have difficulties with substances, their families and professionals who work with the problem, with information about Addictions and Recovery. Given that the idea of a holistic recovery is not common - in the sense of broad, comprehensive, multifaceted, the sources that propose different paths to overcoming dependencies are rarely found in the same space. Our purpose is to occupy this place, disseminating information of a scientific nature, the propositions of the Twelve Step brotherhoods, the role of culture in psychic enrichment, expanding the tools to be used by the addict in building their recovery. We are present on social networks, which you can follow and where we share medical information, news circulating in the media, opinions from experts and recovering addicts.


One day at a time, we await your message.

Obrigado pelo envio!
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