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A prayer for difficult moments

When I’m lost,

Lord come find me.

When I’m down,

Lord lift me up.

When I’m struggling,

Lord provide answers.

When I’m fearful,

Lord be my confidence.

When I’m rejected,

Lord show me love.

Lord, Thank You for Being

Our God who knows where

We are

When I am weak

Lord, Be my strength

When I am sad

Lord be my joy

When I search for Truth

Lord be the only Answer

When I seek you with all my heart

Lord let me truly find You

When I ask for wisdom

Lord give me knowledge &

understanding in spirit & truth

When I am sick,

Lord heal my wounds

When I am lonely

Lord be my best friend

When my thoughts get mixed

Lord give me a sound mind

When evil threatens me

Lord Be my Safety

When I am scared

Lord be my Courage

When I am wrong

Lord correct me please


“I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour.”

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